Thursday 1 November 2007

Met found guilty over JC Menezes' shooting

Finally! Took just over two years for justice to officially reach the same conclusion held by the majority of the public - that the Metropolitan Police Force was guilty over the shooting of innocent Brazilian electrician Jean-Charles de Menezes.

But wait... Are we talking about real justice? The verdict found the Met guilty of breaching Health & Safety laws. To me, that's not quite the same as guilty of murder. And what's more, Sir Ian Blair still refuses to resign over this catastrophic failure his Force committed.

I understand the need of ensuring public safety is paramount, especially in the tense climate surrounding the London bombings of July 2005. But between maiming and disarming a suspect, and shooting him 7 times in the head with ammunition designed to desintegrate and kill instantly on impact, is quite a difference. And it is this apparently excessive use of force that I question, personally.

Why is the officer responsible for the shootings allegedly still in active duty? Why is the commander of the Force still in charge following a similar disaster?

Why has the life of a young Brazilian immigrant, working hard to make a living and helping his family back home, cut short so quickly by a trigger-happy officer who clearly misjudged the situation?

My deepest sympathy to the Family of Jean-Charles. May he rest in peace!

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